IBUC 2006 Abstract

Blaise 20 years Alive and Kicking
Jelke Bethlehem & Lon Hofman ; Statistics Netherlands, The Netherlands

The first version of the Blaise System for computer-assisted data collection was released in 1986. So the year 2006
marks the 20-th birthday of the system. Although operating systems may have changed over time, and new data
collection techniques may have emerged, the basic ideas and concepts of Blaise have remained the same over the
years. The heart of the system, the Blaise language, has proved to be a powerful means to define data collection
instruments. Designed in a time where most statistical agencies still used mainframe computers, and the first MSDOS
computers came on the market, Blaise was able to keep up with rapid developments in information
technology, and still plays a leading role in the world of data collection for official statistics. This paper gives an
account of the 20 year long history of the Blaise System. It described why it was developed and how it evolved over

Contact: jbtm@cbs.nl