INTERNATIONAL BLAISE USER GROUP an independent organization open to all Blaise users from around the world

IBUC 2001 7th International Blaise Users Conference

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volume for a conference or individual papers, which are listed below.
7th International Blaise Users Conference Papers Complete Volume
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proceedings 2001

Meeting the Challenges of Managing CAI in a Distributed Organization
Asa Manning, National Agricultural Statistics Services

Revolutionary Paradigms of Blaise
Mark Pierzchala, Westat and Tony Manners, Office for National Statistics, UK

After 10 Years of CAPI, INSEE Embarks on the CAPI 3 Project
Christophe Alviset, Mario Avi, and Philippe Meunier

Challenges of Instrument Development
Ellen Soper and Ed Dyer, US. Bureau of the Census

Dynamically Created Answer Categories in Blaise Instruments
Carol Oppenheim, Battelle

Different Ways of Displaying Non-Latin Character Sets in Blaise
Leif bochis, Statistics Denmark

Programming Techniques for Complex Surveys in Blaise
David Altvater and Ventrese Stanford, US Bureau of the Census

Output Processing for Consumer Expenditure Survey
Xiaodong Guan and Howard R. McGowan, US Bureau of the Census

Marko Sluga and Janez Repinc, Statistics Slovenia

Interactive Shelling Between Visual Basic and Blaise
John Cashwell, Battelle

Standardised Survey Management at Statistics Netherlands: An Example of the Object Approach
Frans Kerssemakers, Marien Lina, and Lon Hofman

Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) Project at Statistics Canada
Richard Chan, Statistics Canada

A Window-Based User Interface and CAPI Information System
Vesa Kuusela, Statistics Finland

Redesigning CAI Systems to Handle Multiple Authoring Languages
Michael Haas, US Bureau of the Census

The Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) at Statistics Canads
Okuka Lussamaki, Statistics Canada

Case management for Blaise Using Lotus Notes
Fred Wensing, Australian Burea of Statistics and Brett Martin, Statistics New Zealand

LWR: An Integrated Software System for the Household Expenditure Survey
Thomas Pricking, Federal State Bureau of Data Processing and Statistics, Germany

A Blaise Editing System at Westat
Rick Dulaney and Boris Allan, Westat

Data Entry and Editing of Slovenian Agricultural Census
Pavle Kozjek, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

The Role of Error Detection and Correction Systems in Survey Management and Optimisation
Elmar Wein, Federal Statistical Office, Germany

Some Techniques for Internet Interviewing
Adriaan Hoogendoorn, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Audio-CASI with Challenging Respondents
Rebecca Gatward, Office for National Statistics, UK

Dynamice ACASI in the Field: Managing All the Pieces
Boris Allan, Kathleen O'Reagan, and Bryan Lohr, Westat

Computer-assisted Self-interviewing over the Web: Criteria for Evaluating Survey Software with Reference to Blaise IS
John Flatley, Office for National Statistics, UK

Blaise API, A Practical Application
Andrew Tollington and Pualine Davis, Office for National Statistics, UK

Some Examples Using Blaise Component Pack
Gina Qian Cheung, University of Michigan

Internet Interviewing Using Blaise API
Bas Weerman, CentERdata, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands

Testing a Production Blaise CATI Instrument
Amanda F. Sardenberg, US Bureau of the Census

The Practical Application of Audit Trails: A Case Study
Rob Bumpstead, Office for National Statistics, UK

Automated Testing of Blaise Questionnaires
Jay R. Levinsohn and Gilbert Rodriguez, Research Triangle Institute

Reporting on Item Times and Keystrokes from Blaise Audit Trails
Sue Ellen Hansen and Theresa Marvin, University of Michigan

Integrating the Use of Data Centers into the NASS CAI Structure
Roger Schou, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Overview of Blaise at Iowa State University Statistical Laboratory
L.L. Anderson, J. M. Larson, D. G. Anderson, and S. M. Nusser, Iowa State University

Scheduler Issues in the Transistion to Blaise
Leonard Hart, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

Considerations in Maintaining a Production Blaise CATI System
Kenneth P. Stulik, US Bureau of the Census

Organisation of an Extensive Blaise Project
Holger Hagenguth, Federal Statistics Office, Germany

Welfare Benchmark 'Easy to Use Local/Internet DEP' for the Dutch Municipal Government Officials
Carlo Vreugde, VNG, The Netherlands

Use of Blaise in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
David Hill and Christina Kass, Westat, and Debra Reed-Gillette and Lewis Berman, CDC/NCHS

Blaise to OLE-DB-Relational Data Migration? Yes!
T. R. Jellema, NAMES B.V.